Pre-Operative Breast Surgery Education

Thank you for choosing our Cancer Institute for your upcoming surgery. We are committed to helping you through this journey. You will need to view an online educational presentation to prepare you for your surgery and recovery at home. This includes an exercise program as well as signs and symptoms of complications that could occur. Family members may also want to view this video. Once you have viewed the video related to your surgery, you must submit the Pre-Operative Breast Surgery Education Attestation Form to verify that you received this education. 

Complete the Education Attestation Form

The presentation is a comprehensive guide to your breast surgery. Although we have tried to capture the most common questions, we know you may still have some questions related to your care.

Please email us at or call our department at 215.345.2894 to discuss any questions before or after your procedure. Request a lymphedema certified physical therapist.

Download the Home Exercises for After Surgery PDF